10 Important Features to Consider while Developing an Educational App

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By: Sagar Sharma

10 Important Features to Consider while Developing an Educational App in 2023 (and Beyond)

Education system all around the world is facing a paradigm shift. Online classrooms are replacing traditional classrooms. Webinars are replacing seminars. Today, online learning is one of the fastest-growing businesses in the world. Mobile apps have been the primary driver in this revolutionary transformation. They have made the learning process not only more useful but also more fun.

Although there are tons of educational apps available on the play store and app store, none of them are similar. Every app has different features and capabilities. But, to make your education app successful, you need to consider a few mandatory features.

Critical features to consider while developing an educational app

#1 A powerful database with valid information

Education is all about making the information easier to consume for other people. To do that the first step would be to store the data. To hold information related to study materials, and guides, you need a reliable database. It should be able to hold a variety of information such as written content, audio, video, images, tables, and more.

A smoother database can ensure a smoother learning process since students will be able to access every information at their fingertips. The database should be so robust that it should be able to work even with slow internet speed.

#2 Resourceful and comprehensive content

Content is king. One of the primary reasons why people are heading towards online learning is because the content is much more valuable compared to classrooms. Valuable content is also the primary reason for you to increase the number of app downloads. Below are a few factors that you might consider while creating content.

  • Content has to be comprehensive and worth viewing, reading, or watching.
  • Before creating the content, you must define the target audience.
  • Content should be created in a simple and easy to understand language; keeping in mind all types of students with different grasping power and capacity.
  • Content should be responsive and mobile-friendly as it will be the primary medium for consumption.

#3 Interactive sessions and live tutorials

No matter how fantastic content you create in the form of videos or text, you must conduct live sessions at specified time intervals. Live sessions help you to connect with your target audience and know them better. It also allows you to communicate with your students face-to-face and identify their problems.

You can also provide a chat now section where students can post their queries and concerns. It can also help you to collect valuable feedback from the learners. This feedback will help you improve the in-app experience of learners.

#4 Mock tests and practice sessions

Practice makes a man perfect. Regardless of how fantastic content you create to simplify the learning process of students, if they don’t put that knowledge into practice, your efforts will go in vain. Mock tests and practice questions help students to increase their confidence.

You need to include mock tests and practice questions along with complete solutions in the app. It will help you increase your credibility and hence, profitability by keeping the extra practice questions paid.

#5 Track achievements and progress

Giving tests and practice questions is of no use if a student cannot track them and identify their weak areas or pain-points. Allowing students to track their progress will help them to get deeper insights about their achievements and failures. Whether a student is doing good or bad, progress tracking will help them to stay motivated to move further.

Keeping a diagnostic test at the beginning of the course is an excellent gesture to identify the current level of a student. Based on the test, you can customize the pace of the course. It will help students to learn at their speed and based on their grasping power.

#6 Seamless user interface

The user interface is one of the key points to note while developing an educational app. Since, the market is competitive, providing a user-friendly interface will give you an edge.

To create a seamless user interface, you need to choose the right color combinations. Moreover, you need to select the right media player to play all the audio and visual content. A slow or buggy media player can ruin the entire user experience.

#7 Personalization

As discussed above, every student is different, and so is their learning speed. You can keep 80-90% of the syllabus similar for every student. But, the remaining 10-20% should be personalized according to the requirements of every student.

You can also conduct a one-to-one meeting with a student if he or she is not performing well. It will help you to exemplify the exact pain areas of a student and serve them accordingly by providing them extra material or practice questions, or guidance in any form.

#8 Multi-language support

While developing an educational app, you must identify the primary and secondary languages your target audience speak. You then need to translate the app into those languages so that you don’t miss any of your target customers.

#9 Use of social networking platforms

Nowadays, to increase customer retention, it is crucial that you stay in touch with your customers all the time. Since everyone today is on either of the social media platforms, you must establish and maintain a strong presence on all of them. Social media platforms are a great way to expand your business for you can find more students on them.

#10 Push notifications

Push notifications are a great way to engage with users. It also helps you to interact with users. Moreover, it is a great advertisement tool, which allows you to share your new offerings and discounts on your courses.

Students should be able to customize push notifications according to their requirements such as notifying them for upcoming webinars, exams, reminding them to revise the syllabus and more.

Final Thoughts

The features mentioned above are only the basic and most important ones. These are the must-have features for your app. If you’re looking forward to developing an education app that is one of a kind, then you need to be aware of the latest tech advancements and provide creative learning methods to users.

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