10 Reasons Explaining Why Mobility Is A Must For Next-Gen Workplaces
Mobility has slowly trickled down in our lives. Its benefits are impossible to ignore. Mobile usage is not limited to a means of communication, but now they have become an integral part of IT workforces working style. Even, presently, table tops of business lunch are more graced with mobile, laptops and other digital devices.
According to the latest report by Forrester, on mobile adoption in the enterprise, 66% of employees now use two or more devices every day, including desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets.
It signifies considering the latest trend and performance growth, enterprises should start investing in mobile technologies. Are you overwhelmed with change? Let’s take a look in what way going mobile can meet emerging workforce demands and help enterprises to be more productive. The 10 reasons are enumerated as follows:
- 1) Mobilize organization assets
- 2) Keep the complete workforce on the same page
- 3) Match the velocity of workforce changing behavior
- 4) Provide immediate support
- 5) Keep tabs on workforce
- 6) Training on mobile
- 7) Reduce carbon footprint
- 8) A common ground for project teams
- 9) Data security
- 10) Strong physical authentication
1) Mobilize organization assets
Instead of storing bundles of files in the office shelves, it’s better to put all the company’s data and files into the cloud. It avoids the need to go to a particular site for a meeting or access system to get data, and adds flexibility to the work culture and reduce costs as well.
2) Keep the complete workforce on the same page
Making employees know about every activity initiated, awards received or new strategy deployed makes them feel connected, engage them and strengthen their bond with the company and its culture. This way they will be completely aware of what’s going on in the company.
3) Match the velocity of workforce changing behavior
According to The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Millennials will overtake the majority representation of the workforce by 2030. Millennials are more tech savvy, hyper-connected and high on technology. To keep pace with changing technology and workforce, employers must adopt mobility applications for the workplace.
4) Provide immediate support
Sometimes, when employees are away from the office, they need assistance or some files instantly to get things done. With the integration of a mobile solution, employees’ productivity can be improved with real-time help and they can handle the project in a better way.
5) Keep tabs on workforce
Going mobile, employers get to know how much time employees spend sitting idle, in business meetings or working on the desk. Also, in mobile with GPS tracker on, they can track the employees in real-time. All this helps in assessing employees’ work performance-productivity ratio and carrying out any action plan if required.
6) Training on mobile
In today’s competitive world, keeping the workforce updated with latest technology and knowledge is important, but along with managing business efficiencies, the things become difficult. Organizations could enable knowledge transfer on mobile and make employees learn at minimal cost leveraging technology.
7) Reduce carbon footprint
Employing E-training and E-learning would minimize the use of paper in the organization. Moreover, it alleviates the traveling cost that results in less carbon emission and makes the environment green.
8) A common ground for project teams
Employers can unify the communication with a mobile app chat feature where workforce can communicate, collaborate and discuss business projects they are handling. Also, by creating groups, employees can share the project challenges they are facing and get immediate assistance from the colleagues no matter where they are.
9) Data security
Mobilizing and connecting the IT infrastructure enable carrying out various business tasks without any pre-planned schedule. With restricted access, different level of data can be accessed securely by the range of workforce anytime, anywhere on the smart devices.
10) Strong physical authentication
Ensuring secured entry to physical space is absolutely vital. Replacing physical tokens with tokens on mobile is simple, robust and cost savvy. Leveraging software-based tokens, businesses can say goodbye to the clunky hard tokens that are shelling out big bucks. Also, a reset/upgrade can be easily made to mobile tokens that otherwise becomes cumbersome for the hard tokens.
The way forward
The convergence of mobile and technology innovations has the tremendous transformative potential to bolster workplace efficiency and strengthen security. Even, massive proliferation of mobile devices motivating the emerging workforce to bring their own device for work related projects.
According to Gartner research, by 2017, half of the employers will require employees to supply their own device for work purposes.
Time is changing and so is technology. With more innovations, enterprises are struggling to sustain and grow. Stay ahead in blood-thirsty competition by mobilizing your workplace and workforce!
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