Consider Hiring a Full Stack Developer for Your Next Project

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By: Sagar Sharma

To Save Big Bucks, Consider (Hiring a Full Stack Developer) for Your Next Project

Not too long ago, businesses and startups had to necessarily hire separate developers to build front-end, back-end, and to handle the database stuff of their projects.

Today, however, that’s not the case. Now, you can just hire full stack developer to build your entire website, software, or mobile app.

In fact, according to, full stack developers are in the highest demand right now.

Indeed Report

Wait! What is a Full Stack Developer and How Only One of Them Can Build My Entire Project?

A full stack developer is basically an all-rounder developer. It means, they can take care of front-end, back-end, and the database all by themselves.

Simply put, a full stack developer is like a jack of all trades. And they could be very beneficial, especially for bootstrapping startups.

Why? – Well, it’s mainly because most startups need to cut corners and hiring a full stack developer can save your startup big bucks. Though that’s not the only reason you should hire a full stack developer, there are many other reasons.

In this blog, we’ve shared 4 important reasons why you should consider hiring a full stack developer for your next project.

5 Reasons Why Hiring a Full Stack Developer is Recommended

Reason 1 – Full Stack Developer Eliminate the Need for Hiring More People

Unlike enterprises, a business or a startup has to think deeply before spending every dollar. Now, let’s assume that you want to build a mobile app as an extension to your online business.

There are two ways to go about it:

First, hiring developers individually for below-mentioned skill-sets:

  • UI/UX Designer
  • Front-end developer
  • Back-end developer
  • Quality Assurance Engineer

Hiring all these individuals definitely increases the cost of developing a mobile app. Plus, there will also be a huge hassle of managing them individually.

On the other hand, you can hire a full stack developer to minimize the cost and hassle of your project.

In fact, today the full stack developers are considered as the best choice to develop mobile apps.

They have the capabilities to manage your entire project development, from concept to designing, and developing it from scratch and without any chaos.

Simply put, by hiring a full stack developer, you can rest assured that your project will be developed in less cost and in a timely manner.

Reason 2 – Full Stack Developers Can Boost Growth of Your Startup

Nowadays, most businesses look for developers who can easily work on multiple technologies. And a full stack developer, by definition, is well-versed with more than one programming languages and understand how everything works.

In addition, the career of full-stack developers revolves around learning new technologies continuously. That means, they will be more likely to implement new technologies in your project as new technologies arrive, resulting in growing your startup from stack-to-stack over time.

As a result, the kind of pace in terms of growth and innovation a full stack developer can drive in your startup or business, cannot be matched by any specialist developer no matter how much experience they have.

Reason 3 – Full Stack Developers Can Boost the Productivity of Your Team

Any kind of software, web, or mobile application development is more of an art than science. And while hiring specialist developers can write a vast amount of source code but they lack communication required on different levels of the stack.

Full stack developers, on the other hand, can easily bridge this gap. Full stack developers are not just all-rounder developers, they are also superb team players. They are always open and eager to help other team members, which leads to boosting your team’s morale, passion, and motivation towards your project.

In short, they help your entire team become more efficient, which can increase your team’s productivity to a great extent.

Reason 4 – Full Stack Developers are Not Experts and It’s a Good Thing!

Let’s face it. – no startup is perfect, especially in their initial days. So in that sense, seeking perfection does not make sense.

Similarly, full stack developers are not expert either. But it is their greatest USP. Simply put, they may not be an expert in every technology but they are indeed extremely flexible, which could be very beneficial to startups.

Let us explain…

As a startup, it always makes sense to have a full stack developer commit to front-end, back-end, and everything in between when the need arises. That means, a full stack developer might not build the best infrastructure for your project, but they also won’t leave your project stranded.

And as far as having the best infrastructure is concerned, that can always be built later as you scale and generate enough revenue to be able to invest in hiring specialist developers.

Reason 5 – Full Stack Developers Can Become Experts in the Long Run

Apologies for the contradiction. We know we just mentioned that not being an expert is a good thing. But, if a full stack developer serves your business long enough, then they can surely become an expert in any specific technology.

In fact, if the time comes where your project demands them to be an expert in any particular technology, then the full stack developers can specialize them at a much quicker pace then the specialized developers trying to become a full stack developer.

The reason is, they already have enough knowledge in most technologies to be able to implement it in a project. And since they’re updating their knowledge constantly, it becomes extremely easy for them to take on new challenges and bring innovative ideas to the table.

Thus, if you employ a full stack developer at a higher salary for your project development, you not only eliminate the need for hiring specialized developers later, but you also save a lot of money in the long run.


The above-mentioned 5 reasons clearly prove that hiring full stack developers gives better advantages over hiring individual specialist developers. Most importantly, their knowledge of various front-end and back-end technologies make them a valuable asset for any business.

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