Apple now plans to expand reach by integrating iPhone into cars

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Enterprise Apps
By: Sandeep Agrawal

The Reasons Why We Love IOS 7

June – a month that witnessed the release of the latest operating system of Apple Inc. Yes, you all got it; I am definitely talking about the iOS 7. What has touched me the most is a promise from Apple. I know you all are wondering as to what is it? Well I would only like to say that the dawn of smart cars is here.

Today’s generation breathes & lives smart. Therefore, the good news is that Apple now plans to expand its reach by integrating iPhone into cars.

Surprised? Well now at this time almost the whole planet knows about iOS 7, which holds all kind of goods for many diversified industries and consumers.
So the feature – iOS in the car is just amazing. It would bring phone calls, iMessages, music, Apple maps and many more things to a vehicles in-dash display. According to Apple Inc, 95% of the cars sold today have some integration with iOS devices but the new feature has more to offer.
In iOS 7, the new feature allows drivers to use voice command through Siri. So now, I can rightly say Siri would act like your personal digital assistant. Siri would read messages for the drivers and it would also have access to information supplied by the Bing, Wikipedia and others.

The driver can ask Siri to play last voicemail, turn your Bluetooth on and switch it off as per your needs and increase and decrease the brightness.
Well I can just say that development is a continuous process, but sometimes it is at the cost of your safety. The features of the new operating system of Apple Inc when it comes to integrating with cars are just for the people who have grown up with these devices. Older drivers won’t be as demanding as the youngsters are. Many questions would pop-up in the young minds; some of them would be if they could use Facebook, twitter or other such social networking sites through this feature.

iOS in the car’ is a feature that would bring smart phone connectivity on the road but we believe that though there is great potential in harnessing this technology, the industry and the drivers would act responsibly relating to safety issues.

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