Why Wearables Are Great For Business Travelers ?

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Wearable Technology
By: Manish Shewaramani

Why Wearables Are Great For Business Travelers?

Travelling is a great fun, but the case is not with the business persona.

Business people take work related trips very frequently and hassles in the travel are strenuous.

For instance, a business traveler rushing through a busy airport or train station at a hectic time and the pressure is mounting as they near boarding time. They are pulling luggage with one hand and looking for passport in the pocket. The cell phone rings in the pocket and they have no free hand to answer it.

Consequently, some important business meeting updates and emails get missed.

It’s really upsetting!

Is there any solution?

YES, Wearable Technology is the perfect fit that let business people work in an optimized way without any distraction.

Wearable that one can wear on the body are connected with cell phone or blue tooth device. All information quickly and easily can be viewed on the watch or glass, or listen to a headset.

Google glass, Sony Smart Glass, Epson, Moto 360, Pebble and Apple watch are some of the well-known wearable.

These devices can be used by the business travelers to connect with customers anywhere and even while on a train or airplane and with distracting background, they can work on a business project.

There are five concrete reasons which illustrate why wearable are the novel gadget for business travelers

1) Business Travelers Face Time Management Problems

Business travelers must function in a fast paced environment and perform many important tasks on time. Rushing to the airport or even checking into a hotel can be stressful when you have to be at a meeting in a hour or less.

Time management is important for business travelers for keeping clients and vendors satisfied. If the business traveler misses an important message or meeting it could hurt the company’s business.

Smart watches are designed to provide the same information that can be looked up on a cell phones. Often a smart watch has to have a smart phone or blue tooth device to work properly. Carry the phone in a pocket and just glance at the watch much easier.

With a smart watch you can receive email from your employer or clients and keep up with a changing fast paced schedule. You won’t miss a change in business plans or an important request from a client or vendor. Emails will come quickly in real time and important information that you need will not be lost.

An important meeting time is change and you miss the email. When you arrive at the meeting it is almost over. You lose the client and potential sale from your mistake. Many smart watches have calendar applications that allow users to store meeting and flight schedules.

Changes in Travel Schedule

With weather and other conditions flights are delayed and travelers have to wait in an airport. A smart watch let’s you store all your travel information, flights, booked hotels, and other details.

For example, an Apple Watch gives you travel information from flight departures to arrivals. In fact, you can store a boarding pass in your Apple Passbook and digitally use the watch scan your boarding pass at the airport.

This is convenient and makes travel easier. Many smart watches notify users about gate changes, weather, and flight delays. This is an important part of travel. This applies to train travel too.

Taking Notes and Recording Information in Meetings

Business travellers have to often take notes at conventions and meetings. The information is important for companies to keep up with trends and changes. Many smart watches have a note taking and dictation function that makes it easy to keep track of information.

You are sitting in a convention meeting for an hour taking notes on business trends and new products. When the meeting is over you go to quiet spot dictate or type in the information to save it for later. A few hours later you get an email from the boss for an update. Quickly you send him this information using your smart watch while continuing to attend more seminars or meetings.

Working without Distraction

Business travellers often need to work in a hotel room or on a plane without distraction. A quality set of blue tooth headphones will keep your mind on your work while listening to some quality music or programs.

These devices should be lightweight and not too heavy. Many business travellers like to walk around a city when travelling and these are a great way to exercise by walking or even at the gym. Another point is that if you drive you can make calls without using cell phone having both hands on the wheels. It is safer for business travellers than using a cell phone.

Finding Direction and Locations

Some smart headphones connect to a smartphone and tablet and keep track of where a person is at all times. Roaming through a big city when travelling often requires finding new places like hotels, restaurants, and businesses.

The smart headphones have GPS qualities that allow users to find directions to and from locations. These headphones allow you to walk, get directions, listen to music and communicate with others.

Wrap up

Wearable allow business travellers to be more organized with time while travelling, keep up with information and manage projects, get travel directions, and help with concentration when working in a hotel or airport, and keep hands as free as possible. These are some of the many pluses.

Do you find some more benefits of wearable for business travel persona? Weigh in about it in the comments given below.

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