IoT: The Next Technology Frontier That's Transforming Everything!

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Internet of Things
By: Manish Shewaramani

Internet of Things: The Next Technology Frontier That's Transforming Everything!

The digital world has passed impressive milestone of having number of internet connections outnumbered the number of people over the planet.

Till date, this tremendous growth has not shown any sign to slow down.

Internet connectivity has become the part and parcel of every individual’s life and changing many things.

Now, not only smartphones, desktop or tablets are connected via internet, while all objects can be connected. It spans from light bulbs to wearable to the home appliances.


Take a sneak peek inside what exactly internet of things is

IOT enables connection among digital devices, all consumer objects and industrial equipment over the internet.

Information collected can be shared between person to person, machines to person or machine to machine, and data is stored and managed in the cloud.

But, what’s the magic IOT made over these static objects that they begin interacting?

Let’s shed some light on how this connected technology works

With every object, a programmed micro-controller is attached, where sensors sense the data and transmit it to the chip.

There are Different types of sensors that transmit a wide variety of data like- weather, movement, temperature, flow, location, environment, etc. Gathered information is processed and works accordingly.

Processed inputs are then sent back to other objects over the internet through sensors.

For instance, your fitness tracker can detect that you have fallen asleep and then automatically turns off the television.

Perplexed, right?

Here, IOT connected wearable and television. Sensors attached with wearable sensed that one is fallen asleep, and then sent same data to the sensors attached to television, where it is programmed to turn off the TV when it gains such information.

This way smart technology works.

Business impact

Under the umbrella of Internet of Things, a new type of application & services is recreating.

Smart thermostats, connected cars, parking sensors, activity trackers and more are already in place.

IOT world is projected to grow 200 Billion smart devices and around 26 objects, every human being will have by 2020. Source: IDC research.

Different industry verticals are hoping onto IOT bandwagon and designing compound applications to control and monitor objects anytime, anywhere.

With the upsurge in connected devices, earning potential is enormous.

According to Gartner research, by 2020, revenue opportunities for business from IOT will grow to more than $1 Trillion.

Plus, key obstacle- “The cost of connectivity” is alleviated with mitigating price of

Moreover, Smartphone penetration is sky-rocketing, that has become the personal gateway to the IOT.

Limitations are receding exponentially; the only limitation left is your imagination, so envision the possibilities and make them a reality with IOT.


The networked system of IOT stretched the boundaries of today’s enterprises.

The past has dictated what internet of thing is, present is perfectly harnessing the power of connectivity and future- “Everything is connected.”

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In our next series, you will get to learn how IOT is reinventing different Industry verticals. Stay tuned with us.

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