DXP Integration: Why Do You Need It?

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By: Sagar Sharma

DXP Integration: Why Do You Need It?

In today’s evolving digital world, companies around the world can’t afford to lose out on DXP integration. The digital experience platform (DXP) supports companies and businesses in many ways.

Among those vital, it enables businesses to leverage customer data and to deliver a more personalized digital experience to their target & potential consumers through advanced technologies.

The data insights business gained through Digital Experience Platform integration allows business stakeholders to take vital business decisions for driving business towards success. This article covers the digital experience platform in detail along with a complete analysis of why your business should have DXP integrations.

If you are looking for a perfect digital solution to take your online business to the next level, then investing in the right digital experience platform would be the right thing to do.

Understanding Digital Experience Platform (DXP)

A Digital Experience Platform (DXP) is a collection of tools, systems, and software specifically designed to help businesses to create meaningful relationships with their customers. The DXP platform allows businesses to list and interact with their consumers through their buying journey.

When a business integrates a DXP solution with its operation, it will work across all the available digital channels and touchpoints wherever consumers interact with the brand.

Just like the content management system (CMS), the digital experience platform (DXP) also manages and delivers content across the channel. In addition, the platform allows business stakeholders to track the content used to interact with consumers through their customer lifecycle.

Here are the lists of a few key features you can find in a DXP solution:

  • Serves content across channels consistently.
  • Maintains the brand image and brand experience among the customer throughout their customer journey.
  • Optimizes the content and shares them according to the specific channel formats.
  • Creates more personalized content for individual customers.
  • Delivers customer-specific data based on customer behavior and purchase history.

Here are the lists of components you can find in a fully-featured digital experience platform:

  • Central repository for storing data/information
  • Seamless content management system (CMS)
  • Digital asset management (DAM) for managing all digital assets like product images, videos, audio files, and so
  • Payment processing system
  • Order tracking and management system
  • Managing commerce activities
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Data Insights and analytics system
  • Real-time channel monitoring system
  • Automation system
  • Personalization for delivering custom customer experience
  • Content optimization
  • APIs and integration services
  • Sharing digital assets among the integrated systems/websites/devices

With the right DXP integration, your business can encompass all the advanced technologies and conduct seamless communication among them which is essential for driving better customer experience.

The cohesive piece digital technology platform (DXP) is designed to deliver a sophisticated solution to the consumers to access optimized and accurate content throughout their journey.

Furthermore, the digital experience platform (DXP) allows marketers to deploy a successful and effective marketing campaign by utilizing the latest tech stack and by using data insights.

Almost all the available DXP solutions in today’s market come with a set of tools and software that allows businesses to easily integrate with third-party platforms or software. This helps business intelligence to extract valuable business insights for predicting the business future and to take necessary business decisions accordingly.

If you are excited to explore more about what is Digital Experience Platform what are its outstanding capabilities, don’t miss visiting Digital Experience Platform – An Ultimate Guide. It provides you with all the necessary information that helps you understand the essence of DXP for your business.

Benefits of Using Digital Experience Platform

The primary goal of digital experience platform integration is to provide a seamless improvement in the digital experience to the consumers. In addition to that, the platform offers a plethora of benefits to businesses in the form of direct and indirect.

This section covers all the key benefits delivered by the Digital Experience platform to businesses.

Improves customer touchpoints

Integrating digital experience platforms with businesses enables business stakeholders to provide more personalized experiences to consumers through high-quality content and custom digital experience.

Also, the platform streamlines every possible interaction a customer can do with the brand/business. With all these, the platform manages to eliminate the presence of data duplicates.

Improves business architecture

With the presence of microservice architecture, the DXP platform offers the business incredible flexibility and agility. Because of the microservice architecture, businesses can make their team work independently and make updates or changes in the projects whenever it’s needed.

More importantly, the agility offered by the DXP architecture allows businesses to make changes without affecting any other modules of the project.

Seamless Integrations

Having DXP integrated with the business operation allows the business to integrate all systems including both internal and external entities. With such seamless integrations, the presence of data among various systems gets synced.

Through that, businesses can achieve more efficiency in its operation. The digital platform offered by DXP act as the one-stop solution for businesses to improve work efficiency in a budget-friendly way.

Increases customer loyalty through automation

As already mentioned, the DXP solution empowers businesses to deliver a more personalized solution to their consumers. This can be done through optimized content or by integrating useful third-party software/tools.

Once businesses manage to deliver a contextual personalized experience to their consumers in a consistent way across channels. Automatically it drives more loyalty among consumers regardless of customer touchpoints.

Brings innovative and future-proof solution

DXP integration allows businesses to work seamlessly with the existing system and as well integrate with the new technologies. The ability of the platform to adapt to emerging technology acts as an excellent future-proof solution for businesses across the industry.

Furthermore, the platform enables a business to take an innovative approach to achieve its goal.

Enhances marketer’s ability

The ability to deliver high-quality content consistently through the DXP platform empowers the marketing team to deliver exceptional service. Marketers can push their boundaries to deliver more effective marketing campaigns through the data provided by the digital platform DXP.

Also, the platform brings automation and a complete 360-degree of the product data to the marketing team.

Bring omnichannel experience

Marketers benefit a lot through DXP integration. Apart from providing a complete 360-degree view of the customer data, the platform supports omnichannel content delivery. This enables the marketing team to track every customer at every stage of their buying journey regardless of their channels and provide more personalized content.

Are you eager to explore how the Digital Experience Platform empowers omnichannel experience for your customer? Read How A Digital Experience Platform Helps Businesses to Deliver Omnichannel Experiences? and get exposure to the strong connection between DXP and omnichannel experience.

Brings more content intelligence

Having a good DXP solution will always enable businesses to utilize the power of built-in analytical tools. With the presence of such tools, data managers can be able to drive better data insights and drive businesses toward a successful path with a better digital experience.

Steps to Follow for Effortless DXP Integration

The rate of digital experience platform integration happening among worldwide companies continues to grow at a rapid pace. The DXP solution offers an excellent and speedy resolution for companies for enhancing their brand and customer experience. Also, the digital platform acts as a clean getaway for success for businesses in today’s digital world.

Here are the lists of a few key takeaways of DXP integration that companies can’t afford to lose in today’s digital world.

  • The digital experience platform (DXP) enables enterprises to utilize the content management system properly.
  • With the digital experience platform integration all companies to deliver a personalized digital experience to their consumers through AI and machine learning (ML).
  • Through DXP integration, an organization can easily get rid of the risk of having siloed data and produce high-quality reliable data for making better decision-making sense.
  • Having a good DXP solution will enhance your digital maturity level.

After choosing the right DXP solution for your business, you need to create a perfect roadmap with an MVP in order to take your business to the next level. If you are wondering how to create a roadmap for DXP integration, then this section will guide you on the right path.

STEP 1: Determine your business maturity level

Having a clear mindset over your business maturity level will give you clear thoughts on your digital needs and capability. To determine the digital maturity of your business, you need to be aware of these 4 levels which are given below.


This is level 1 maturity, which determines the needed data quality level for connecting data silos between departments, having strong leadership, and creating better engagement between stakeholders.


This is level 2 maturity, which is highly focused on improving digital experiences. Organizations can improve their digital experience by deploying the latest technologies and innovative strategies.


This is level 3 maturity, which is used to improve business productivity through data-driven methods. This level of maturity determines how an organization uses its offline and online information to drive better sales and provide better support services to its consumers.


This is the level 4 maturity, which is used to scale how the organization uses the digital solution to utilize data-driven integrations and optimizes the digital assets across the available channels/touch points/departments.

Once you have a clear mindset on determining the maturity level of your business, then you need to be aware of finding the position at which your business is in those digital maturity models. To find it, here are the sets of questionnaires for which you need to find answers.

  • Whether you can identify the customer’s behavior and how they engage with business across multiple digital channels?
  • Whether your marketing team, sales team, and support service team can access the unified customer data easily?
  • Whether your business manages to integrate with the new technologies effortlessly?
  • Are you witnessing notable improvement in your business operation after those integrations?
  • Do you need to assess the impact of integrating new technologies into your business frequently?
  • Whether your team manages to adapt quickly to the evolving business intelligence?

The number of answers to those questions pointing to ‘YES’ will determine the digital maturity level of your business. With this level, you can easily map out how and where your business needs DXP integration.

STEP 2: Creating a roadmap for DXP integration along with MVP

A roadmap is nothing but setting a project goal and breaking down the project progressing mode into small stages according to the goal. While setting the business goals, business leaders should choose the minimum viable product (MVP).

Well, MVP is the term pointing to how the products meet customers’ needs and expectations with the least amount of effort. By doing so, the DXP solution can able to eliminate the presence of data silos accordingly and incorporates new technologies.

Just like that, business leaders or administrators can work on one aspect at a time while creating a roadmap for digital experience integrating. This allows employees to provide feedback and administrators to optimize the platform accordingly.

STEP 3: Choosing the right DXP solution vendors

Selecting the right player for your DXP solution would be key to its success. Because the right DXP provider will deliver the ideal platform that suits well for your business’s digital maturity based on the roadmap you have created along with understanding the technologies requirements of your business.

Here are the lists of a few considerations every business should focus on while choosing the right DXP solution provider.

  • The business operation differs from business to business. On understanding the fact, DXP provides an ideal platform that is tailored according to the business needs. Also, they should have in-depth knowledge of their products to pick and customize them accordingly.
  • DXP solution providers should have an appealing and robust portfolio of successful DXP integration.
  • Always get a quote for the DXP solution provided by the provider, based on the quote to examine whether the vendor offers the same as mentioned. Here are the few things you need to cross-check with the vendors, deliverable details, scope of the project, compare the price for the solution along with the quality of work promised to deliver by the vendors.

If you are interested in exploring more criteria that you need to look for while selecting a Digital Experience Platform for your business, visit Things to Consider When Choosing Digital Experience Platform.

Consideration for Building DXP Solution

The essence of the digital experience platform integration truly depends upon where your business is positioned. In today’s rapidly evolving digital technology, businesses around the world must undergo a proper digital transformation to sustain and succeed.

Depending upon the digital presence and digital maturity of the company, customer engagement and experience will get enhanced.

To meet the demands of digital expansion and to survive in the constant evolution of technologies, companies around the world should adapt to digital solutions. The digital experience platform does exactly the same for businesses allowing them to easily adapt to emerging tech.

In addition, the DXP offers seamless integration with other systems and offers end-to-end excellent CMS. However, when you are building a digital experience platform for your company you need to consider a few aspects. Take a look.

  • Before looking out to build a DXP solution for your business, you need to map all your requirements to your business goals. In addition, you need to list out all the features and functions you would be in need for meeting your business requirements from the DXP platform. By doing so, you can set up a realistic target for achieving your business goal.
  • The next important thing would be validating the terms and aspects of the chosen DXP solution. In today’s online platform, you can easily spot numerous tech analysts among those who pick the prominent ones like Gartner, and Forrester, and so where you can find legitimate reviews, ratings, and rankings of the players offering DXP solutions.
  • The next thing you are supposed to do is to seek references from reliable resources and find meaningful case studies of the players offering DXP solutions. If possible you can contact fellow businesses who had DXP integration with their operation already and get a review from them direct.
  • After spotting all those reviews, ratings, rankings, and referrals by reliable partners you need to make sure the vendors are offering future-proof digital experience platforms. So that you don’t need to worry about the ability of the platform to do integrations through APIs.
  • Finally, you should make sure that your chosen digital experience platform has all the basic features your business may need to experience success in today’s digital market. Some of the basic and essential features you need to look at CMS, data analytics, cost, flexibility, commerce content integrations, user-friendly back-end, high security, and compliance.

In addition, to all those above-listed factors you need to ensure whether the vendors offering DXP solutions provide post-deployment support at what cost. Because deploying the DXP solution will have a significant impact on your customer experience.

Bottom Line

As the entire world is getting transformed digitally, digital transformation becomes inevitable for modern-day businesses. Companies around the world are now focusing more on improving the digital experience and digital transformation by doing so; they are looking to attain great experiences.

Having a perfect DXP integration with your business system will guide you to find several opportunities to boost customer experience and deliver a better digital experience to customers consistently.

Building and deploying the right DXP solution for your business will allow your consumers to experience seamless digital experiences across channels through their journey with the brand.

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