Vue JS vs React: A Battle for the Best Front-End Framework (Updated)

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By: Sagar Sharma

Vue JS vs React: A Battle for the Best Front-End Framework (with Latest Updates)

From tech giants to small and medium businesses, everyone is adopting JavaScript to build web and mobile applications. The benefits of JavaScript are immense.

Many new frameworks and languages are popping every day, and it is quite tough for a developer to keep up with all of them. One needs to decide the concentration.

Vue JS and React JS are the most popular front-end frameworks in the software development industry. So, in this article, we’ll help you determine the right framework for your project by comparing Vue JS vs React.

In this article, you’ll learn the difference between Vue JS and React JS, their specialties, and benefits.

Vue JS vs React

An introduction to Vue JS

Vue JS is an opensource JavaScript library which is popularly used to develop single-page web applications. The aim behind creating Vue JS library was to make web development simpler.

Lately, it has caught the attention of several web developers across the world because it is a progressive web framework and can be used to build eye-catching User Interfaces.

Evan You, an Ex-Googler, introduced Vue JS intending to remove the pain-points of Angular JS and to create a lightweight version of it.

There are immense benefits of Vue JS, but one of the most significant ones is its ability to re-render without any action. It allows you to add any component, built earlier, whenever required.

An introduction to React JS

One of the reasons for React to be popular is because of its origin. It was introduced by Facebook. Today, it is being managed by Facebook and a community of over a million developers.

Contrary to Vue Js, React JS is recommended when one wants to build a website where there is a necessity to update data quite frequently.

With React, it is easy to build reusable User Interface components. One can build a reusable user interface by breaking them into components rather than using templates or HTML.

React is a “learn once and write anywhere” framework. A developer can also develop mobile apps in JavaScript using its mobile-specific framework known as React Native.

React presents the use of JSX or JavaScript XML, which is a syntax extension of JS. JSX can be used in debugging and creating UI components.

Benefits of React JS

  • React JS offers excellent flexibility and responsiveness.
  • Since it is based on the document object model, it allows browser-friendly arrangements of documents in XML, HTML or XHTML format.
  • It has a rich community of developers who offer their inputs all the time to make React feature-rich.
  • React is an amazing choice for businesses who want a highly scalable framework.
  • React JS is a continuously improving and evolving framework since millions of developers and Facebook back it.
  • Using the React component model, one can build not only web applications but also iOS and Android mobile applications.
  • React can be used to build stunning user interfaces, be it native mobile applications or web applications.

Benefits of Vue JS

  • Since Vue JS uses HTML-based templates, revamping an existing application is simpler in it.
  • Be it a complex web application or single-page web application, Vue JS can be used to integrate smaller components without affecting the whole system.
  • Compared to other front-end frameworks, Vue JS takes up less space and gives better performance.
  • Vue JS is one of the easiest frameworks to learn as it requires one to know basic JavaScript and HTML.
  • Vue JS has great adaptability since it provides hassle-free migration reusable templates and an efficient and straightforward structure.

An In-depth Comparison

Optimization and Rendering

We may not consider speed and performance as the most significant decisive factor, but it still matters. When it comes to rendering React has a mechanism that triggers the rendering of the whole component tree when the state of a component is changed.

Vue’s rendering is, on the other hand, out-of-the-box. It offers optimized rendering, which keeps track of various dependencies while rendering and works accordingly.


React uses JSX, which is a declarative JavaScript XML. It allows developers to write components using JavaScripts. Vue JS, on the other hand, uses HTML templates to generate views.

HTML-based templates are familiar to more number of developers, and they are also beneficial when it comes to revamping the existing websites.

State Management and Routing Solutions

While upscaling an application, one needs to take care of state management and data flow, especially when he/she is working with component-based frameworks like React and Vue.

React offers an innovative solution and alternative to the popular MVC architecture, which is known as Redux/Flux architecture that provides unidirectional dataflow.

Vue JS, being the new framework, offers a more advanced level architecture called Vuex, which integrates into Vue and provides an unmatched experience.

Building Tools

Both Vue and React offer similar and good development environments. One can create applications with little or no configuration. In Vue, the configuration is called Vue-cli, and in React it is known as Create React App or CRA.


When to opt Vue JS over React JS?

If you’re looking to develop a world-class single-page web application, which has a faster, lightweight, and modern UI library, then you must opt for Vue JS.

If you have to work with developers who know HTML, then it is beneficial for you to work with Vue rather than React.

When to use React JS over Vue Js?

JavaScript is at the heart of React. So, if you hire a developer who knows JavaScript, it is recommended you to go with React.

React is Ideal for large-scale web and mobile applications. Moreover, it is backed by Facebook and millions of developers, which makes it an obvious choice for many novice programmers.

If you’re looking forward to building a mobile application as soon as you’re done with a web application, then React is a perfect choice for you.

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